Home >> Products >> MITSUBISHI >> A/QnA series PLC >> CPU >> A73CPUR21 Moving CPU unit

A73CPUR21 Moving CPU unit

MITSUBISHI A73CPUR21 Manual And Instructions
A73CPUR21 Common InstructionsProgramming Manual
A73CPUR21 Dedicated InstructionsProgramming Manual
A73CPUR21 FundamentalsProgramming Manual

MITSUBISHI A73CPUR21 Product information and technical parameters:
Name: Moving CPU unit
Model: A73CPUR21
Multi axis positioning controller.
Coaxial data communication line function.
Program capacity: Max 60K step.
Input / output points: 1920 points.
PLC commonly used in memory are EPROM, EEPROM and with lithium battery powered RAM.
General micro and small PLC storage capacity is fixed, between 1~2KB.
How much memory is occupied by a user application is related to many factors,
Such as I/O points, control requirements, computing processing, program structure, etc..
So it can only be roughly estimated before the program is designed.

When communicating in the PLC network of MITSUBISHI,
There is no sense of difference and discontinuity in the network,
Can carry on the remote monitoring, modification, debugging and other work of data communication and program,
Without taking into account the level and type of network.
MELSECNET/H and CC-Link use the way of loop communication,
Periodically automatically send and receive messages,
Does not require specialized data communication procedures,
Simple parameters can be set A73CPUR21 A73CPUR21
MELSECNET/H and CC-Link are used to transmit and receive the broadcast mode,
This can be done on the network data sharing.
For the use of Ethernet, MELSECNET/H, CC-Link network,
Can set the network parameters and various functions, simple and convenient in the Developer GX software screen A73CPUR21. Input points: 32 points.
Input voltage: DC12/24V.
Current: 3/7mA.
Response time: 10ms.
Positive / negative sharing.
50 point terminal station.
System program memory for storing system program,
Including management procedures, monitoring procedures, as well as the user program to do the compiler to compile the process of interpretation A73CPUR21.
Read only memory. Manufacturers use, content can not be changed, power does not disappear.
PLC selection with the development of PLC technology, more and more types of PLC products,
Function is becoming more and more perfect, and its application is more and more extensive.
Different series of different models of PLC has different performance, applicable occasions also have different emphasis,
Price also has a greater difference. Therefore PLC selection,
Under the premise of meeting the control requirements,
Should consider the best performance to price ratio, a reasonable choice of PLC.
Each scanning process. Focus on the input signal sampling. Focus on the output signal to refresh.
Input refresh process. When the input port is closed,
Program in the implementation phase, the input end of a new state, the new state can not be read.
Only when the program is scanned, the new state is read.
A scan cycle is divided into the input sample, the program execution, the output refresh.
The contents off the component image register are changed with the change of the execution of the program A73CPUR21.
The length of the scan cycle is determined by the three.
CPU the speed of executing instructions.
Time of instruction.
Instruction count.
Due to thhe adoption of centralized sampling A73CPUR21.
Centralized output mode.
There exist input / output hysteresis phenomena, i.e., the input / output response delay.

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