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RJ71C24-R4 Serial communication module

MITSUBISHI RJ71C24-R4 Manual And Instructions
RJ71C24-R4 datasheetPDF datasheet

MITSUBISHI RJ71C24-R4 Product information and technical parameters:
Name: Serial communication module
Model: RJ71C24-R4
230.4kbps Max., RS-422/485 2 channel.
When using the serial communication module, it is only necessary to select from the communication protocol library of engineering software,
Can carry out data communication support MODBUS general agreement.
2 channels are supported 230.4kbps, communication can fully play the performance of the matching equipment.

DC input, transistor (drain type) output.
Channel number: 2CH.
External wiring connection mode: 40 pin connector
Count input signal: there
Single phase input (single frequency / double frequency)
Dual phase input (single frequency and double frequency /4)
CW/CCW input: there
The signal level (phi A, Phi B): 2 ~ 5mA DC5/12/24V RJ71C24-R4.
High speed counter module can be measured in 200kpulse/s when DC input,
8Mpulse/s measurement can be performed in a differential input RJ71C24-R4
The use of high precision incremental encoder, the most suitable for location tracking.
In addition, the high-speed counter module is also equipped with a pulse measurement and PWM output and other functions. 10Mbps Max., master / local station, support Ver RJ71C24-R4. 2 CC-Link.
CC-Link is a bus (RS-485) - type open field network which can control and information processing at the same time.
Can be in the CC-Link and high-speed transmission of ON/OFF information from the station equipment, such as bit data, analog information, such as digital data.
Connect all kinds of field equipment through CC-Link.
Can connect all kinds of support CC-Link field equipment, according to various control requirements to build the corresponding system RJ71C24-R4.
Use remote device network mode, up to 64 remote equipment such as analog devices, etc.. Main base plate, extended substrate mounting.Memory capacity: 256MB.
As one of the specific features of the iQ-R CPU series MELSEC module, the new C language controller module is added.
C language ARM developed a multi-core controller can perform multiple programs simultaneously based on.
In addition, both the robustness and timing of the C language controller can also be used as a substitute for computer / computer platform.
Moreover, the C language controller adopts a non fan structure, and does not raise dust, and is most suitable for use in a clean environment such as a micro chip factory.
Play iQ-R MELSEC series of high performance, flexible, strong characteristics, can be used in a variety of industrial applications to achieve automation.
Can be simple to use 3 kinds of tool software.
C language controller has been installed in a variety of drivers embedded real-time OS. Various modules can be easily accessed through a special function,
No need to develop the driver and install new OS, through a special function to access a variety of modules,
Can be simple to deploy, reduced cost of development.
You can use CW Workbench and CW Configurator (software) (setting and monitoring tools) and CW-Sim (simulation tool VxWorks.),
Provide strong support for C language program development.
Can be easily programmed, no restrictions on the microprocessor.
By using the C language controller module specific function (CCPU function), MELSEC communication function (MD function),
Can easily access the C language controller module, I/O module, intelligent function module, network module, programmable controller CPU and sports CPU, etc.,
Create an application that uses a programmable controller device.
Conffigurator CW can be used for parameter setting, diagnosis and monitoring RJ71C24-R4.
Using Configurator CW,
The iQ-R/Q MELSEC series module (network module, intelligent function module, input and output module, etc.) can be easily set, diagnosis, moonitor and test by the C language controller module RJ71C24-R4.
The operation of Configurator CW is similar to that of iQ-R MELSEC programming software Works3 GX.

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