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RQ68B RQ extended substrate

MITSUBISHI RQ68B Manual And Instructions
RQ68B datasheetPDF datasheet

MITSUBISHI RQ68B Product information and technical parameters:
Name: RQ extended substrate
Model: RQ68B
The input and output module installation number: 8.
Can install module: MELSEC-Q series module.
DIN guide rail mounting adapter type: Q6DIN1.
Size (H) * (44.1mm) * (W) * (D): * 328mm * 98mm.
Substrate module for mounting various modules of MELSEC-Q series.
Extended use of Q series expansion substrates in the following extensions. "

Operation control mode: stored procedure repeated operation.
Built in IE CC-Link.
Input / output points: 4096 points.
Program capacity: 160K step.
Easy to collect and display the value of soft component.
With simple parameter setting, the value of the soft component can be collected as the record data,
Save to the SD memory card, or through the USB/ Ethernet for real-time monitoring RQ68B.
Using the data collected by the recording function to support the Unicode text format,
Can be easily recognized by LogViewer GX and spreadsheet software RQ68B
In addition, LogViewer GX can also be used to monitor the function of real time,
Easily confirm the time of small changes in the object''s soft components.
These features can be traced back to improve and set up a fault when the commissioning of a great help RQ68B. Analog input channel number: 4CH.
Ambient temperature of 25 plus or minus 5 degrees C: plus or minus 0.1%.
Ambient temperature 0 ~ 55 degrees C: plus or minus 0.3%.
Temperature coefficient.
Conversion speed: 80 s/CH.
Channel to channel insulation.
Absolute maximum input: positive and negative 15V, 30mA RQ68B.
External wiring connection mode: 18 point screw terminal.
Voltage input
The analog input voltage: DC - 10 - 10V.
Digital output value: 32000 ~ 32000.
Current input
Analog input current: DC0 ~ 20mA.
Digital output value: 0 ~ 32000.
16 bit high resolution (1/32000).
No program can perform scaling and conversion operations.
The most suitable for the requirements of speed and accuracy of the detection equipment.
Easy to filter high frequency interference.
Execute event driven programs via alarm output.
Through the engineering software, the output of arbitrary analog waveform data.
Channel insulation.
Similar to the input and output modules, analog quantity module is the interface between the sensor and the programmmable controller RQ68B.
The difference between the input and output modules is that it is dealing with analog voltage and current signals rather than ON/OFF signals.
The analog module MELSEC iQ-R series is equipped with high-speed conversion (80 s/CCH), high resolution (1/32000), channel insulation, abnormal signal detection and other convenient features,
Can achieve high precision analog control RQ68B.

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